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Technical Content

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Ekaterina Kneller, Manuel Peiro, Ulisses Correia (CGG) ; Jose Manuel Única Pacheco, Pablo Villa Bayón (Repsol) ©2022 SEG | December

A continuing concern regarding presalt carbonate reservoirs offshore Brazil is how to derive accurate quantitative estimates of reservoir properties. It is challenging to understand the link between the facies model and the variation in elastic properties, recover a reliable model of elastic properties from ...

Industry Article
First Break | Gordon Poole, Milad Farshad, Zhaoyu Jin, Brandon Li ©2022 EAGE | December

Short-period multiple attenuation is often challenging as the multiple generators are typically not sufficiently well recorded as primary events for SRME to be successful. Model-based approaches have traditionally been used to circumvent this problem but may only model multiples generated by key events such ...

Industry Article
Frontiers in Earth Science | Gareth Rogers, Louise Hamdy, Amy McGarry, David Gold ©2022 Creative Commons Attribution License | November

This study is concerned with testing the application of Automated Mineralogy (AM), specifically QEMSCAN, to identify and quantify microplastic particles within a solid heterogeneous specimen, as an initial assessment of how this technique may be utilised in microplastic research and environmental monitoring. It utilises ...

Industry Article
First Break | David Gold, Niklas Heinemann, Robert Porjesz, Rebecca Bolton, Greg Rhodes, Pierre Roy, Edward Bunker (CGG) ; Matthew Booth (previously in CGG) ©2022 EAGE | October

Hydrocarbon energy resources have been extracted from the Earth for many decades using in-depth technical knowledge of its subsurface. With the need to achieve net zero goals, many traditional hydrocarbon companies are reducing the carbon intensity of their operations and investing in renewable energy ...

Industry Article
GeoExpro | Javier Martin ©2022 GeoPublishing Ltd | October

The recent world-class Baleine discovery within the Deep Tano Basin has attracted renewed exploration interest for the offshore Côte d’Ivoire. Its structural complexity and depositional stratigraphy, resulting from multiphase rifting of this basin, require high-quality seismic data to develop detailed geological models. To achieve ...

Industry Article
First Break. | Adnan Khalid, Pablo Cifuentes, Pedro Martinez Duran, Philippa Park, Arthur Satterley, Stefan Calvert, Carolina Coll ©2022 EAGE | September

The importance of detailed reservoir characterization and modelling for accurate reservoir performance prediction has always been recognized, but generally it is necessary to upscale reservoir properties derived from seismic data to create models that can be run in a reasonable timeframe and are a ...

Industry Article
Geo Expro | Steven Bowman, Ramez Refaat (CGG); Per Helge Semb (MagSeis Fairfield) ©2022 GeoPublishing Ltd | September

The Cornerstone OBN survey has unquestionably brought a step-change in image quality compared to towed-streamer acquisition, especially for deeper, sub-BCU reservoirs and around salt diapirs where reservoir units are often heavily faulted and steeply-dipping. It will allow for the effective development and monitoring of ...

Technical Abstract
SEG workshop/forum/local conference | Zedong Wu, Zhiyuan Wei, Zhigang Zhang, Jiawei Mei, Rongxin Huang, Ping Wang ©2022 SEG | August

Recent advances in full-waveform inversion (FWI) algorithms have allowed it to work stably and effectively in different geological settings, especially in areas with geobodies of large impedance contrasts such as salt, despite its presently taken acoustic assumption. This has resulted in a leap in ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Vivek Vandrasi, Zhihua Su, Shouting Huang, Yogesh Agnihotri, Sabaresan Mothi ©2022 SEG | August

Full-waveform inversion (FWI) has become the norm in velocity model building for different surveys from land to marine, and from streamers to ocean bottom nodes. FWI using wide-azimuth (WAZ) streamer data in areas with complex geologic settings can fall short of resolving the complexity ...