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CGG Provides Environmental Data to Centric Lab to Support the Improvement of Public Health

Paris, France | Oct 13, 2021

CGG has entered into an agreement to provide analyzed environmental data to Centric Lab, a UK-based neuroscience research lab, to support their efforts in improving public health. Centric Lab helps individuals and communities make science-based data-driven decisions that support mental and physical health, especially communities that are the most susceptible to poor health outcomes.

As part of this agreement, CGG provided data-led support for the analysis and incorporation of multiple layers of diverse environmental data, that will be available in Centric Lab’s new “Right to Know” web app for England, Scotland and Wales. 

With a focus on environmental pollutants and their potential impact on health, Right to Know is designed to provide interested citizens and communities with independent health-related environmental information about the places where they live.

Through its secure cloud-to-cloud connect and delivery and secure application management capability, CGG Cloud Services will host the data for the Right to Know web app.

Araceli Camargo, Lab Director, Centric Lab, said: “Right to Know will act strategically in building citizen awareness and action. Over the next six months Centric Lab will be facilitating a virtual town hall tour with its community connections across England, Wales, and Scotland as well as continuing to advance its social media coverage. It is expected that the campaign will enable people to become more curious about the places where they live and spark a more accurate and just framing of health.”

Peter Whiting, EVP, Geoscience, CGG, said: “The need for accurate and transparent environmental information is more important than ever. With our environmental data science support and cloud computing capability, Centric Lab can ensure Right to Know gives citizens access to the highest-quality science-based information in their local areas, so they can make the most informed decisions.”